Kamis, 20 Juni 2019

Cause and Effect Essay

Bullying Around Us

     As human beings, we are created to make the socialization when people communicate with one another in one environment. In this social life such as in family, school or society, humans’ life has imbalance and problem that causing one conflict that the people do not realize it ingrained and becomes a common thing that happens around us that called ‘bullying’. In this essay, I would like to write and try to explain  what bullying is.
     Bullying is  violence, threat and forcing with intimidating someone else continuously. This act  not only attack people’s body but also verbal abusive also called as bullying. According to Wicaksana (2008), bullying is the action when someone or one group hurts someone else who seems weak or powerless and making him depressed, injured and fearful. That bullying may happen on the adult to children or we have ever been a bully indirectly because it happens when a bully or abuser feels superior and powerful than the victims who get offended.

     In big points, bullying is divided into two act of violences. The first one in physical bullying, this violence involves hurting the people’s body or physically that makes his body injured, wound and hurt. For the example of physical bullying that happens between the bully and the victim are: punching, kicking, hitting, pulling the hair and other abusive actions that hurting the victims. And the last is psychology bullying. Mental violence can break victims’ defense and psychic and those can  cause of the prolonged trauma for the victims. Many cases that we can take an example of psychology bullying such as; insulting, mocking, harassing, defaming, isolating or giving the nickname that the victims do not like so they become stressed.
     The bullying is caused by several factors that make someone can be the bully or the victims ; if we look at the victims’ view, the main cause of they become the victim is their looking or style. The cases that happened in Indonesia when some people or students have old and worn-out clothes, wearing glasses or the posture that seems weak can provoke the others’ bad comments especially the bully that look them like the nerdy and is not trendy so over and over a bully invites the other follows (the abuser) to insult the targets.
    Meanwhile, in the bully’s side, there are several causes that makes him being a bully. The first cause is personal problems. The victims who have bad problem or record with the bully create a spark of fire between them so that the bully has the reason why they offense the target of bullying without any doubt. The second is the bully ever had the same position as the victims. They attack someone else because they did not want bullying comes to them again, so they try to find the good target to offense before it comes to themselves. The next is they are the attention seekers. The bully is trying to get the people’s attentions in their environment. They abusing the weak victims to prove that they are the best, they are the strongest or they are the most powerful but actually they are just a coward. The fourth factors is lack of emphaty. When someone does not have an emphaty, the act of bullying can grow in their mindset fast. The people who do not have the emphaty must be hard to feel sad when they see the victims get offended and they even feel happy when they see the victims in danger just want to get ‘good news for gossip’ around them. The last cause of why someone becomes a bully is  they are from the broken family. This is the biggest cause that makes the children being a bully. The abusive parents toward their children can cause them into the fragile or the abusive children too, the lack of love in their home causing the people become wild, abusive and attack the target or victim in order that the other people around the bully to acknowledge their existence.
     If there is a reason,  there is an impact felt especially on victims of bullying. This act of abuse creates a profound effect, called; fear. Excessive feeling of worry due to the oppression that befell him makes the victim become afraid to connect with other people. Victims are prone to depression if their fear continues to grow. With a heightened sense of fear, it makes the victim loses confidence. Victims will more often confine themselves and make their home the safest place for him, he is even afraid to step into the outside world because he does not want to get harsh treatment anymore. If that happens to children, usually they don't want to go to school, have trouble eating, have trouble sleeping, the grades go down, cry a lot, even they don't want to go to play because they are afraid of being ostracized.
     Losing their self-confidence will make the victim's socialization getting worse, they are afraid to speak, their moods become problematic because they are confused about what they must be because they have been feared with anxiety beforehand so that the reputation of victims in schools becomes less good. As a result of this loss of confidence, they do not know who else to depend on so that the victim dissolves in terror that haunts them.
    With those effects that happened to the victims, it can be factor that makes them do the worst possible thing. Too long involved in bullying makes the victim feel even thinking of the of suicide. Many people underestimate that victims who commit suicide are weak people. Even though in the heart of the victim the victim has actually been destroyed. Feeling unable to accept insult and ridicule from the abuser made them insane again so it was better to decide to end their own lives.
    It can be concluded that bullying is a cruel act that must be seriously prevented because it can have a long lasting impact on both the victim and the perpetrator. As human beings, we should do good things and be open to each other so that we are not bound by bullying either as perpetrators or victims.

Senin, 27 Mei 2019

Midterm Task

        Nowadays, most people usually spend their time with various activities both indoor or outdoor one of those many activities is reading. It is a fun hobby or activity when people have done their work, have spare time or feeling lonely. People can throw all of their boredom by reading something as much as they want. As we have known, many reading materials that can be read for us such as; newspaper, magazine, article, journal, novel and comic. All of those materials are interesting to read but in this case, I would like to compare the two of those reading material, they are comic and novel.
      The novel is a literature work that consists of prose or written by the authors, usually novel is typically published as a book and contains someone’s life and events that ever happened at that age. The novel has many genres that can be imagined through the word by word. Usually, the length of the novel is 100-500 pages so it takes a long time for the readers to finish it. They readers can guess the story after they read the entirety of the novel. The comic is reading material that unleashes someone’s imaginations through images or illustrations. The creator usually write the dialogue in the speech bubble in each panel with some onomatopoeia or suffix sounds to support the situation in the comic.
     Actually, both of those reading material have many similarities. The comic is as an interesting book as the novel is that many people love and they are famous in the teenagers that have reading as their hobby. Besides that, the novel has a book form just like the comic has, both of comic or novel are entertaining the readers so they can build their imagination from the author’s written or drawing. The cover design of a novel is as beautiful as comic is that can attract people’s eyes to take them to read at home. But on the other hand, they also have differences. A novel has complex plots that explain the beginning of a conflict to the resolution from a chapter by chapter so it chokes readers and makes them hard to breathe. Meanwhile comic, often be found the comic tells simple conflict or a slice of life conflict with the illustrations, the conflict of the comic is not as complicated as the novel is. One novel takes a long time (one day or more) to finish less than the comic that can be finished in hours. The dictions of novels are more literate than comics are. It can be proved that novels give more explanations to readers and the comics do not have the same diction as novels. Comic usually gives informal conversation in bubble dialogue and if we try to find the formal conversations, we can find that dialogue in some particular theme of comic, but we knew that reading comic are different than novels. Comics train us to have more imagination meanwhile novels make us more know of the literature in the novel, people can understand the foreign vocabularies especially when reading the translation novel.
        In conclusion, comic and novel are good and entertaining reading materials. Both of them have similarities and differences that can be distinguished. If people choose one of them or choose both of them, it depends on their taste and opinion.

Minggu, 05 Mei 2019

Improving Speaking Skill

Implementation of Model Cooperative Learning on English Speaking Skill
     In nowadays, using English becomes a common thing. Sometimes students underestimate English because it is not their mother language but on another side,  they think that mastering English is a necessary thing to do. In English, it has four basic skill, one of them is speaking skill. Speaking is an act of making vocal sounds or how someone expressing their thought or idea in spoken language (verbally). Some student cannot express their idea because they do not know how to speak well and it makes them feel down and ended up do not want to speak up anymore. To improve speaking skill, students need to implement Model Cooperative Learning this method can be used in Senior High School and university level. According to Johnson, Johnson & Smith (1998) Cooperative Learning (CL) is a teaching technique where students can make group discussion to help their process and achieve the goal.
          CL method in teaching-learning English skill as a foreign language is the strategy that emphasizes toward student's attitude in learning English, this method is also called as ‘learning together'. In this method, students will form small groups for example that group consist of two to five students in each group. They can share their thoughts, knowledge, ideas or arguments in learning the speaking skill. Students that using this method will understand easily because they can speak up with their friends (their member group) without any doubt when teacher give them a topic for speaking class and then they should discuss and help one another. Students can share their knowledge with their member group when one of them does not understand the topic, discuss the appropriate vocabularies or grammar.
      Using Cooperative Learning method, the teachers also have their role involves modeling, facilitating and coaching their students become active both of group work or individually. This method has many advantages in helping students' learning progress 1) It can encourage students be more critical to improve their speaking skills  for example when teacher asks them to give argument in debate among group discussion, 2) CL method makes students feel free to express their ideas when with their friend or when they speak to their teacher because this technique build their confidence up, 3) They can share their opinion to increase their fluency in speaking skill, 4) The students will be more active in search speaking materials or information about some case, 5) The atmosphere of class will be great and it can make the students  focus on their learning basic speaking skill.
       Thus, application of Cooperative Learning method is really beneficial both for the students and the teachers. CL method helps students to improve speaking skill through form group discussion because they feel free and becomes open-minded when they talk or discuss the topic of speaking with their friends meanwhile in using this method the teachers have their own role as the facilitator during the learning process.

Selasa, 09 April 2019


My Best Achievement
Success is everyone’s goal. It is the target or something that we really want to get. Sometimes, we must face some cruelty or bittersweet reality to reach the goal with our struggles. It is not as easy as what people said, hard to get and needs more efforts. Reaching an achievement is like climbing the mountain. It is tiring and makes us cried. If we are not ready to face the possibility or failure, it would be ended up with a disappointment and become desparate.
I am just a commoner with limits. I ever experienced that failure. It was happened when I was in Junior High School at 7th grade when my school held the drawing competition for all of the class. It was a great news and I was interested to join it at that time, so I registered myself and hoped that I would be the winner. I did not know why I was too confident declaring that.
 The day of competition was begun. I prepared all of my tools, my sketch and I was ready to draw my best. I thought that my drawing was pretty good. I just focused on my project and revealed all of my efforts. I enjoyed that moment when I drew my sketch because that competition was my passion, and I did not want to miss it. This competition was held in one day and would be announced a week later. I prayed to God and just left all of decision in His bless.
Sadly, that was not my lucky day. I was not nominated in top 5. Among twenty participants, I got 9th rank. I was disappointed and sad because I felt that all of my efforts was pointless and hopeless. I thought that this announcement was disappointing and I even thought that the judges cheated me and I was drowned in my despair. My heart told me that I should not blame that fate and tried to think positive, so I stopped my hobby for a while to take some new to be my references.
I had been trained my drawing skill for one year and I thought that it was enough for me. I had been improved so much than my last drawing. I tried to be more careful and more detail in drawing something. Eventhough my skill had been improve, I never forgot to learn more and more. With learn more, I got the new style one. I was very happy at that time. I could do that. I could pass my despair.
At the second year when I was in 8th grade. I decided to join this annual competition again. Competing with same participants just like last year and just several new participants that tried to against the winners a year ago. That was the twice I gave my best, and I played with my imagination to unleash in my drawing book. I did not hope anymore. In my heart I told myself that I just doing my passion and my hobby. I tried to forget the prizes that the winners would receive.
Unbelievable. After the week of competition, the result was announced. The chief of that event calling my name as the 2nd winner. At the first I did not believe that, I thought that they read the wrong name. But they calling my name again in many times. I walked forward to make sure and then I received the prize. It was my best day. I held my tears back, that was tears of happiness. All of my struggles and efforts were paid sweetly.
So, I tell you everyone. An achievement and success are hard to reach. We need to give and fight for the best. Fall, failure, sad, desparate and disappointment can be passed with the worth struggles, it will be changed the sweetest thing ever.

Selasa, 02 April 2019

Free Writing

What can We Do to Kill The Writer Block?

          Writer block is the biggest problem that often affects and bothers some authors. It is a situation when someone really wants to write or continue his/her story, but his/her mind becomes blank and just stare at their notebook bewilderment because s/he cannot write anything. This situation pissed them off and ended up discontinue their project. In our neighbourhood or school, we do not even realize that we ever experience this annoying problem. In addition, writer block is hard to defeat if we do not know how to solve it. I have some solutions to throw the writer block away; 1) We can listen to our favourite music. Why? Music has big affect to stimulus our brain to remember lyrics that earworm or keeps stuck in our head. Then the lyrics can be improved as a outline of story. 2) Our friend’s experience. Sometimes, we have no idea how to continue our project. We can listen to someone’s story. If there is an interesting thing, we can take to make an interesting part of stories. 3) and the last one is reading professional author’s works. That is not a plagiarism. Within reading their works, it can build our motivation to write story as amazing as theirs. We can take some advantages such as  to improve our grammar, dictions, rhyme or develop their idea into the new one, and we can continue or make a new story. Thus, writer block can be defeated if we can handle it exactly. 

Senin, 18 Maret 2019

Tugas Translation Into Indonesian

The Benefit of Writing as Hobby

          When writing becomes someone’s hobby, it will be beneficial to give him a space of self-actualization, to stimulate his cleverness, and to make him fluent in language use. Lots of people do not have a good medium to express themselves, and this case can trigger boredom as well as stressfulness. However, those whose hobby is writing are always capable of killing their boredom and stressfulness by expressing their feeling and unspoken ideas into papers. They can even make use of their spare time effectively and create their own positive world through writing. Perhaps, this is what a good novel writer does. In addition, in the aspect of psychology, being accustomed to writing can make someone naturally creative and easier to share or state what he has got in his mind. He will naturally become more literate, more critical, and clever because his brain is always triggered to be actively working insofar as he is doing his hobby, writing. In the aspect of language use, one who loves writing will acquire his own fluency. It is true inasmuch as writing leads him to frequently deal with a wide range of vocabularies, to explore his ideas along with provisioning them in a proper arrangement, and to be accustomed to apply appropriate grammar in language use. Thus, writing as a hobby is definitely valuable.

Translation :

Manfaat Dari Menulis Sebagai Hobi

          Ketika menulis menjadi hobi seseorang, itu akan menjadi bermanfaat memberikan ruang untuk mengekspresikan diri, menggali kecerdasan, dan menjadi lancar dalam berbahasa. Banyak orang yang tidak mempunyai media yang tepat untuk mengekspresikan diri mereka, dan situasi ini dapat memicu kebosanan serta stress. Akan tetapi, orang yang memiliki hobi menulis selalu dapat menghilangkan rasa bosan dan stress dengan mengutarakan perasaan dan ide yang tak dapat diucapkan di dalam kertas. Bahkan mereka dapat menggunakan waktu luang mereka secara efektif dan menciptakan dunia yang positif dengan menulis. Mungkin saja hal ini juga dilakukan oleh penulis novel yang bagus. Ditambah lagi, dalam aspek psikologi, terbiasa dalam menulis dapat membuat seseorang menjadi kreatif secara alami dan lebih mudah untuk berbagi dan menyatakan akan apa yang ada di pikirannya. Ia secara alami akan menjadi lebih terbuka, lebih kritis serta cerdas karena otaknya selalu terpicu untuk aktif bekerja selama ia mengerjakan hobinya (menulis). Dalam aspek berbahasa, orang yang menyukai menulis akan memperoleh kefasihannya sendiri. Hal tersebut benar dikarenakan menulis menuntun orang untuk lebih sering berurusan dengan perluasan kosakata, menyelami gagasan serta penyusunan ide sesuai dengan kaidabh yang benar, dan terbiasa menggunakan tata bahasa yang tepat dalam penggunaan bahasa. Dengan demikian, menulis adalah hobi yang benar-benar bermanfaat